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I’m worried

                       I’m worried I have cancer in my family…

Mutations in the BRCA genes cause particular patterns of cancer down the generations. According to recent cancer research You may have a higher than average risk of breast cancer if you have one of the following in your family:


1.A mother or sister diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40

2.Two close relatives from the same side of the family diagnosed with breast cancer – at least one must be a mother, sister or daughter

3.Three close relatives diagnosed with breast cancer at any age

4. A father or brother diagnosed with breast cancer at any age

5. A mother or sister with breast cancer in both breasts – the first cancer diagnosed before the age of 50

6. One close relative with ovarian cancer and one with breast cancer, diagnosed at any age – at least one must be a mother, sister or daughter. The affected relatives must come from the same side of your family (either your mother’s side or your father’s side) and they must be your blood relatives. A close relative means a parent, brother or sister, child, grandparent, aunt or uncle, nephew or niece. You are not alone in this difficult journey, the Blue Sky Foundation is working for all breast cancer patients.

@ Ayesha Shelley

Head of Advisory Committee

The Blue sky Charitable Foundation